09 November 2022

Dry cough or hoarseness? strengthen your immune system

To start this winter with your defenses on the rise, we made a magazine full of tips and suggestions thinking of you!


Less protected in the winter?

During cold and rainy weather, our habits and external conditions allow the occurrence of viral infections, which in turn can lead to nose congestion, rhinorrhea, cough; and in more extreme cases even bacterial infections.

There are several factors that may precipitate the development of this type of symptoms:

  • Exposure to cold air, which facilitates the survival and spread of viruses;
  • Using heating, these devices dry the air, which seems to also facilitate the survival of these same viruses;
  • More time spent at home, which is reflected in greater exposure to infecting organisms that are deposited in objects;
  • The immune system may not respond as well, as some studies suggest that when the immune system is cold the response is slower.


What is rhinorrhea ?

This symptom is often accompanied by nose congestion, and results from an irritation of that same mucosa that may originate from internal or external factors.

Although it is an uncomfortable symptom, it is not enough to motivate a visit to the doctor unless accompanied by fever, sore throat, or severe cough.


  • Viral infections;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Exposure to dry air;
  • Entry of foreign bodies, especially in children.

How to relieve rhinorrhea?

1. Stay away from allergens

If you have any known allergic reaction, you should be careful to keep away from allergenic substances. Allergens such as cat hair can be avoided. However, dust, pollens and mites are everywhere; and in such cases it may be necessary to use a mask.

2. Moisten the air

In case the rhinorrhea is due to the air dryness, the purchase of a dehumidifier can be an interesting investment;

3. Clean your nose with sea water

Whatever the cause of your rhinorrhea, cleaning the nose with a spray containing sea water may make it easier to expel it, especially when there is congestion or when the discharge is thicker.


What’s a cough?

A cough is your body’s way of responding to irritants in your throat and airways.

An occasional cough is normal and healthy. A cough that persists for several weeks or one that brings up mucus may indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention.

A coughing attack can be very forceful and exhausting and can cause sleeplessness, headaches, urinary incontinence, and even broken ribs.


Dry cough causes are numerous. Some of these elements may cause a persistent dry cough:

  • a cold,
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • irritants such as tobacco smoke or other environmental irritants, like pollution
  • pulmonary problems


How to relieve dry cough?

1. Stay hydrated
Specially in winter when homes become dryer inside, due to the use of heaters. This may also be one of the causes of dry cough. Drink plenty of fluids!

2. Drink hot drinks and menthol lozenges
Hot tea with honey smooths the throat and menthol slightly numbs the throat providing some relief.

3. Take a hot shower and use humidifiers
This is another way of restoring the levels of moisture in your home.

4. Eliminate air irritants
Air fresheners and perfumes and tobacco smoke  are some of the elements that contribute to an irritated throat.


Avoid colds and flu

In addition to the measures above, there are other tips that can help prevent the onset of these symptoms:

  • Avoid contact with sick people;
  • Strengthen hand hygiene;
  • Nourish our body with the vitamins and minerals essential to its defense. Sometimes it is not easy to get it only through our diet, and so it will be important to resort to food supplements:


BioActivo Selenium Win-FIt


1. BioActivo Selenium + Zinc

Selenium is essential for the proper functioning of our body's antioxidant defenses, being available essentially in foods whose intake is not present in the diet of a large part of the population (liver and kidneys, fish, whole grains or Brazil nuts).

Zinc, in its turn, is essential for normal DNA synthesis, as well as the proper functioning of the immune system.

This supplement also contains vitamins C, E and B6 that also contribute to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

2. Selenium-ACE

In addition to the benefits of selenium, this supplement also has vitamins A, C and D.

Vitamin A intervenes in the process of cell differentiation, promoting the renewal of the immune system cells; while Vitamin C and E contribute to the protection of cells against oxidation by free radicals.

In its turn, Vitamin D contributes to the normal absorption / usage of calcium and phosphorus.

This supplement also has the advantage of being beneficial for the protection and strengthening of the skin, nails and hair; thanks to its content on vitamins and minerals that are essential to the synthesis of new cells and their protection.

3. Win-Fit immuno

This supplement is the ideal care for anyone who is more susceptible to the development of viral infections at these times of the year!

Its composition contains Zinc and Vitamin C, which help prevent the onset of these infections, while echinacea extract can help to accelerate the disappearance of symptoms when the infection is already installed.


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