16 September 2021

Relieving baby colics



What is baby colic?

Colic is a frustrating condition, marked by periods of discomfort and continuous cry from an otherwise healthy baby. Babies with colic cry more than three hours a day, three days a week and for three weeks or more. Colic may appear two to three weeks after birth and, in thiis situation, it may seem as nothing the parents do brings any relief to the baby!



  • Crying in predictable periods, inconsolable and intense crying that happens for no apparent reason, is the main evidence your baby has colic.
  • There is also a change in your baby’s posture: curled up legs, clenched fists and tense abdominal region.
  • There is no scientific explanation as to why some babies have colic and others don’t.


Possible treatments:

Anti-gas medication – Simicol
This over the counter medication was specially developed for the relief of gases and abdominal discomfort, the same elements that cause colic. Consists of alcohol and sugar free oral drops, administered via a syringe (included) .

Is symptoms persist, see your doctor or pharmacist.


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