19 February 2023

Valentine's Day

4 min read


St. Valentine


In honor of St. Valentine, flowers and presents are given and received by loved ones everywhere. But who exactly is St. Valentine? Unfortunately, the history behind Valentine’s Day remains, until today, a mystery. 

On the one hand, according to a famous tale, St. Valentine disobeyed the emperor's instructions and secretly wed couples in order to protect the husbands from going to war, explaining the origin of the name of this day. On the other hand, the day may have been named after a priest executed as a martyr by Claudius II Gothicus in 270 CE. The priest is said to have sent a letter to his jailer's daughter, whom he had loved and cured of blindness, signing it "from your Valentine."

Whatever the case, this day has been celebrated for many years - more precisely since 1400 - and the culture of commemorating it is becoming more and more popular.


The seven days of Valentine’s week


We are all aware of Valentine's Day, but did you know that the whole week leading up to it is also a holiday to be celebrated? 

Valentine's Week begins on February 7th and ends on February 14th, with each day having a unique name and an activity related.

Rose day

Dia dos namorados

This day settles the start of Valentine’s week, being celebrated on the 7th. As the proper name suggests, on this day you are supposed to give a flower - more precisely, a rose - to your loved one- Depending on the color, the roses can have different meanings. For instance, while a red rose means passion and love, pink means gratefulness and great respect.

Propose day

The propose day is celebrated on the 8th, and it’s the perfect day if you are planning to propose. This day is all about showing affection and expressing your love for your partner, so if you're still unsure of the best time to make this significant life change, this could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

Dia do Chocolate

Chocolate day

As the name itself says, this day was made for romantic chocolate lovers. Chocolates are sweet and are viewed as an expression of love and devotion - presenting chocolates to those you love is a must to celebrate the 9th of February in the right way.

Teddy day

As a symbol of compassion for another person, teddy bears are the perfect gift for the 10th of February, since they are seen as a sign of respect, devotion, and affection.

Promise day

On the 11th, the idea behind the promise is to develop confidence in the other person and hope for the best. So make the most of this day by strengthening your relationships with your loved ones, family, and friends.

Hug day

Hugging is said to release hormones that uplift the mood and lower stress while boosting general happiness. So, once again, on the 12th of February show your beloved ones what they mean to you, by expressing your feelings in a caring way.

Kiss day

Dia do Beijo

Kiss day happens on the 13th and is meant for everyone who wants to affirm what they feel towards their loved one, by kissing them - it is a sign of devotion and readiness for the partnership.

Valentine’s day

The most awaited day is on the 14th, being also considered the most popular among everyone. On Valentine's Day, surprise the people you care about, express your feelings to them, think back on your relationship, and, most importantly, cherish every minute you spend with everyone you genuinely care about.

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