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Segle is a biotechnological cosmetics brand created to care for, prevent and treat skin ageing.

It's based on green biotechnology (ingredients extracted from plants) and blue biotechnology (ingredients extracted from the sea) to make the most of nature's resources and find ingredients that allow to imagine, create and develop new products that are even more effective.

  1. Segle - Dmae Lift 10 Serum 30mL
  2. Segle - Restaura Cream 50mL
  3. Segle - Pure Retinol Serum 30mL
  4. Segle - AHA BHA Exfoliant Serum 30mL
  5. Segle - Flash Eye and Lips Serum 15mL
  6. Segle - Skin Factor Serum 30mL
  7. Segle - Dmae Lift 10 Cream 50mL
  8. Segle - Glicolmix Serum 30mL
  9. Segle - Clear Skin R Gel Cream 30mL + Glicomix Serum 10mL 1 un.
  10. Segle - Cleansing Oil 150mL
  11. Segle - Cellular Plus Cream 50mL
  12. Segle - Men Blue Hydration Serum 30mL
  13. Segle - Men Global Retinol Serum 30mL
  14. Segle - Vital C Serum 30mL
  15. Segle - Men Vitamin C Energy Serum 30mL
  16. Segle - Intense Hydrating Mask 50mL
  17. Segle - Cleansing Foam 150mL
  18. Segle - Lift and Firming Mask 50mL
  19. Segle - Blue Balance Gel Cream 30mL
  20. Segle - Skin Factor Barrier Cream Gel 30mL
  21. Segle - Glicano Skin Serum 30mL
  22. Segle - Skin Factor Serum 30mL + Cream 50mL 1 un.
  23. Segle - Hair Revival and Density Serum 50mL
  24. Segle - Skin Factor Cream 50mL
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